Monthly Archives: September 2013

BAILA-Mat Gleason Roundtable Convened 9/9/2013

A roundtable between BAILA and famed L.A. art critic/curator/gallery owner, Mat Gleason, occurred on Monday, September 9, 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m, at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Los Angeles, C.A. The topic of discussion was Navigating the Art World Outside of the Bubble of Academia.

Mat Gleason is the founder and editor of Coagula Art Journal ( He is also the owner of Coagula Curatorial art gallery in Chinatown Los Angeles, CA, and blogs for the Huffington Post.

In attendance at the meeting, were 36 people: Adah Glenn, Adrienne DeVine, Artis Lane. Brenda Williams, Carol Zou, Carole Jordan-Harris, MD, Chelle Barbour, Derrick Maddox, Dianne Pitts, Donna Angers, Duane Paul, George Evans, Gregory Pitts, Ingrid Elburg, J. Michael Walker, Karien Zackery, Keith Mikell, Kenneth Beavers, Kenturah Davis, Khamira Pitts, Greg Pitts, Lavialle Campbell, Lili Bernard, Mat Gleason, Michael Massenburg, Milton Loupe, MonaLisa Whitaker, Ngene Mwaura, Raksha Parekh, Shelly Bruce, Stan Bruce, Steven J. Brooks, Suzi Moon, Toni Scott, Veronica Lucas, Yrneh Gabon Brown, and Zeal Harris (by private video chat)

Click here to view a SLIDESHOW of the event:

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